31 March 2011

Last post. \:D/

Hi Cerium Cesium!

It’s April and we’re now officially not Cesium anymore. I imagined this to be more emotional and dramatic – the goodbye letter, I mean. I waited until there were no more announcements and shiz to post this para walang epal na requirement post afterwards. =)) This is also supposedly the last post here so let’s make it special. ;)

Ten months ago, I remember looking at the class list, thinking that this would be the imba super awesome class. I remember myself imagining how we would bond and all the fun stuff we’ll do. I remember not being able to sleep the night before school started. I remember going to the flag cem, being shy and not knowing how I’m gonna talk to each one of you.

I remember having STR as our first subject and thinking how we’re gonna be so dead. I remember thinking Sir Jogon wasn’t a teacher. I remember having the first Math class with Sir Nat and being terrified. I remember being scolded at English for being too quiet. I remember meeting Sir Erin for the first time and not being able to stop laughing all throughout. I remember our first PE classes – “Hey, you!”  I’d have to say that was the wildest first day of class I ever had and from that moment, I knew this won’t be “just another school year”.

A few days later, voting for officers began. That would be both the best and worst moment of my start of the school year. I felt so distressed and would have given anything to let Paul take my place instead. I was scared that I wouldn’t be good enough for the 30 people and that I’d just let you down – and I did a lot. I was scared that I won’t be able to take care of you and you’ll only hate me when I get too bossy and stuff – I know you did. I knew exactly what I was getting into and I knew none of it was easy – it really wasn’t haha. That’s why I’d like to thank you because you put up with all the PMS (not pre-marital sex *cough*), texts, calls, and constant nagging I gave you. I know you hated me for those at one point or the other.

 I’m glad to say that I never felt like I was only one person with a big job. I always had people helping me, going with me to teachers, assisting with the work and just encouraging me. Thank you because out of all the times I wanted to give up and just leave, you were there to comfort me and make me laugh. Whenever I’m faced with a bad situation and I couldn’t stop panicking, you always turned it upside down. I never could have survived this year without you. I’d also want to thank you for trusting me to take care of you. To be honest, I felt like it was the other way around. That’s why I’m so proud that I got to be part of this section.  

At first I was disappointed that we weren’t hitting it off well at the start. It took us a long time to be comfortable with one another. That’s why I was so happy that contests brought us together. Our motto will be forever DOOT DOOT DOO! – a reminder of our first moment as a family. I’ll never forget our practices at Migs’ house or the time I was the best hand painter ever. :> I’ll also never forget Mamayana. All the blood, shit sweat and tears. =)) All those eventually paid off somehow. We saw the different sides of each other – the strengths, talents and the weaknesses. With all this, I guess anything really is possible.

There are so many things firsts I experienced this year: first time to be scolded for being too quiet, first time to have an awesome homeroom, first time to see someone eat chalk, first time to play with the electric fan and first time to have a movie marathon at the dorm. I’ll never be able to describe how happy I was in these past months and I’ll know that it’s all because of each and every one of you. I found people who really made me feel like I’m a part of a family – a family filled with dwarves, dicks, niggers and gay dudes. I really hope this year has been as memorable to you as it was to me. I wish that next year, even if we’re all separated, we won’t forget about all the secrets and all the fun we’ve had. Thank you for making my year awesome. I’ll never forget each memory I had with each one of you. It really was one hell of a ride. I love you. >:D<

Signing off for the last time, Kim. :)
[I don’t want to post an ID pic, too. =)))]

30 March 2011

STR Reqt Tomorrow!

Dear STR1 Students:

In line with the use of the module draft on “Basic Principles in Conducting Research” in your STR1 classes, please accomplish this survey form to provide us feedback on how to improve the module. The different chapters of the module are listed below.  But if you are unable to remember the content of each section, an ecopy is available from the STR website at http://pshsresearchunit.webs.com/str1requirements.htm   for your perusal.
 – Dr. Cheng, Ms.Chupungco, and Dr. Yazon

29 March 2011

Card Giving

CARD-GIVING PROCEDURE for March 31, 2011
1. The student must present his fully accomplished clearance form to the Registrar staff in-charge of distributing the report card to claim his/her report card. NO REPORT CARD WILL BE ISSUED to students with INCOMPLETE clearances/UNCLEARED items.
2. If you have accountabilities at the Office of the Registrar, you shall not be entertained on March 31, 2011. Please accomplish your accountabilities with the Registrar’s Office from May 23-27, 2011.
3. If you missed your photo session schedule without prior notice to the Registrar’s Office, you will be accommodated only on June 1, 2011 onwards. Each day of non-wearing of the ID shall be one non-compliance. (This is a reiteration of our previous announcement regarding pre-enrolment procedure.)
4. Students with substandard grades (2.75 or 3.0) must be accompanied by his/her parent or guardian for SY 2011-2012 must be accompanied when claiming the card.
5. Students who are not able to claim their report card on 31 March 2011 may do so on May 30-31, 2011, provided the clearance is fully accomplished and presented to the Registrar staff in-charge.
6. No report cards will be issued during regular enrolment, the schedule of which will be announced later.
7. The report card is a requirement for enrolment.
8. Please be guided by the above procedure.