26 February 2011

Bio 4Q Guide Questions

Skeletal System
  1. What is the difference between a hydrostatic, exo-, and endoskeleton?
  2. What is the difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton? Give examples of bones that belong to each.
  3. What are joints? Give examples of each kind.
  4. What are the three types of bone cells and what are the functions of each?
  5. Contrast compact and spongy bone.

Nervous System
  1. What are the main functions of the nervous system?
  2. Describe the roles of the two types of cells that make up the nervous system.
  3. Name the parts and describe the functions of a neuron.
  4. Trace the pathway of a simple reflex action such as the knee-jerk reflex.
  5. Describe the events that occur during nerve impulse transmission.
  6. What is saltatory conduction and why is it important?
  7. How do nerve cells communicate with each other?
  8. Describe the nervous system plans and features across taxa and relate this to the animal’s symmetry and lifestyle.
  9. Describe the trends in the development of the vertebrate brain.
  10. List the components of the central nervous system and describe their functions.
  11. List the components of the peripheral nervous system and describe their functions.
  12. Compare the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system in terms of function.
  13. Enumerate the parts of the vertebrate brain and describe their functions.

Sensory Mechanisms
  1. Differentiate between sensation and perception.
  2. Describe the five kinds of sensory receptors and give examples of each.
  3. Differentiate interoreceptors from exteroreceptors and give examples of each.

Plant Hormones
  1. What are tropisms? Give examples of these.
  2. Describe the roles of abscisic acid, auxin, cytokinin, ethylene, and gibberellin in regulating plant growth.
  3. Describe how the Darwin and Went experiments led to the discovery of auxin as the major factor behind phototropism.
Endocrine and Reproductive System guide questions are in the Group HW given.

24 February 2011



No major project should be due on the week of the exam daw to give us more time to study.
Also, the minimum length of the video is 15 MINUTES.

No one is allowed to shoot on sat and sunday sa school  since wala kayong teacher chaperone. Your health period next week will be used as time to shoot and finalize your project. But I still have to meet Mg, K, and Cs on monday for some announcement at the grandstand. Then they process in doingtheir proj.

General questions only, not for every haiku!

STR Proposal, etc.


Requirement Specifications:
  • Bond paper (8.5 X 11”)
  • Double-spaced (except for the Bibliography)  Don’t waste space by putting in extra lines of space between paragraphs or sub-sections!
  • Margins:
    • Top and right – 1 inch
    • Left and bottom – 1.25 inches
  • Pagination on lower right-hand corner of paper (page 1 = introduction)
  • Font is Times New Roman, 12 pts for the chapters (except for headings)
  • Sections to be included (should always start on a fresh page):
    • Title Page (format found in the research site)
    • Abstract of Proposal
    • Table of Contents
    • List of Tables (if any)
    • List of Figures (if any)
    • Introduction
      • Background of the Study
      • Statement of the Problem
      • Significance of the Study
      • Scope and Limitations of the Study
        • Format: INTRODUCTION should be all caps and bold. Background..., Statement...,etc. should be bold.
    • Review of Related Literature
    • Proposed Materials and Methods 
      • Process Flow Chart
      • Process Descriptions (use appropriate section labels)
    • Bibliography
    • Task List 
    • Network Chart
    • Gantt Chart 
    • Proposed Budget
    • Appendices (if any) 
=Due on the day of presentation (softcopy ata)

=Due 1 week after your presentation
++ Results and Discussion
++ Accomplishment Report

=Written in the logbook

Note: These format guidelines are based on what Maam Butaran wrote on the drafts my group (Cs10) showed her. I'm just sharing what was said to us.

Due on day of oral defense: Intro, RRL, MatMed

--- Compile all three into 1 Word document (softcopy and ipapasa).

I. Title Page

Sample Title Page:
NOTE: Group leader's name is in boldface letters

Establishment of a Standard Procedure
for the Production and Use of the
Kamote pH Paper 
 //For the title, font size is 16, single space, follow inverted triangle

A Research Proposal


Juan A. Abierto
Mariposa J. San Gabriel
Judy Ann H. Santos
 //Name of group members are single spaced

Submitted to the Faculty of the
Philippine Science High School – Main Campus
 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
Science and Technology Research 2 //Change to STR 1

February OR March 2011 //Depends on date of passing

II. Table of Contents




Review of Related Literature         

Acids and Bases
Acid-Base Indicators
Natural pH Indicators
Kamote as a Natural pH Indicator
Extraction of Anthocyanines from Plants             

Proposed Methodology

Process Flow Chart
Preparation of Kamote Leaves
Extraction of Anthocyanines
Preparation of Kamote pH Papers
Preparation of Buffer Solutions
Testing of Kamote pH Papers in Buffer Solutions
Establishment of a Standard Color Chart



Task List


Network Chart

Gantt Chart



Proposed Budget



Appendix A:
Standard Color Chart for Standard pH Paper

Appendix B:
Anthocyanine Content of Plants

Appendix C:
Computation of Molarities of Buffer Solutions

Page numbering:
Page 1 will be Introduction
Since the task list, etc. are not included in the softcopy,
just follow the numbering by Word

III. Introduction
Background of Study
State of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations of the Study

Take note of the required components/topics that need to be included. These can be found at the same site.




V. MatMed


Process Flowchart
*methodology with separate parts

VI. Bibliography


Follow proper format and APA citations

This whole thing is due on the day of presentation.

1 week after your presentation
A. Logbook
1. Task List
2. Network Chart
3. Gantt Chart
4. Proposed Budget 
(follow format at the site)
5. Accomplishment Report (4 columns: Task // Target Date // Actual Date of Accomplishment // Remarks)

Also included:
five weeks covered, contents: directory, contacts, expenses, costings, protocols, methodology)

B. Results and Discussion
I don't know what this looks like.
Probably similar to the lab proposal format.

C. Abstract
Follow guidelines and stuff format from site

++ Don't forget that there's an STR Comprehension Test on the same day as the Physics and SocSci Perio. I don't know the coverage and stuff though.

Maam Buts:
- powerpoint presentations due till 9 pm day before group's schedule
- final proposal will be submitted online to strteacher.mimi@gmail.com with the following filename: GrpCode_FINALv4.0.doc (ex. Cs-01_FINALv4.0.doc) You may submit 2 days earlier from your scheduled deadline (6:00 pm, day of oral report, NO EXTENSION) so I could comment on it for revisions.
- Regarding STR1 Comprehensive exam, it's scheduled on the same day of Physics & SS. Coverage will be from the first quarter (Medicine man, Fundamantals of Research, such as identifying variables, Sampling,experimental design and statistics)and will include questions about your project proposal.

//SUBMIT IN .pps 8D