I took a picture of ours, but then it's a little blurry.
You can ask me for yours if you want. 8D
Meet up at Pisay at 10:00 am.
We will go to Quezon City Memorial Circle (in Elliptical road) and shall film our Chem video there.
@Chem EVEN Group
EVEN GROUP (CHEM)! In case you don't know, we're meeting on Sunday to do the video thing (which is due on wednesday na). We're meeting and shooting it sa Wildlife, North Avenue entrance part. It's just beside pisay, so superlapit lang. Oh, and be there by 9.30 Please do bring a camera if you have. And, bring money kasi padeli lang tayo for lunch. Tapos, we need people, so please go. And if you're going or not, please tell Jj, Ryan or sa akin. Hopefully we'll end early, so yeah. Sorry na lang sa mga nadistorbong odd group. --gm.
HW (1/2 cw)
2NO2(g) + F2(g) -> 2NO2F(g)
Expt'al rate law: r = k[NO2][F2]
Proposed Mechanism
1) NO2(g) + F2(g) <-> NO2F2(g) [fast]
2) NO2F2(g) -> NO2F(g) + F(g) [slow]
3) F(g) + NO2(g) -> NO2F(g) [fast]
Show and Tell
I gave your data to a rep per group. You will encode the data (same format) and answer the Data and Analysis part. The format will be posted soon.
For the procedure/methodology, instead of doing a flowchart, you will make a methodology (para raw masanay tayong gumawa) - as in paragraph form, past tense. I think same rules apply for the procedure part in our Chem Labreps.
YMSAT Game pamphlet
1) Who were the men of the Tuscan Triumvirate? Why were they called as such?
2) Identify the following Italian Rennaisance writers:
a) He rejected the tradition of Christian view that the state is subject to divine law-- believing that the state existed for its own sake.
b) He is a humanist and papal diplomat whose book presented the rules of gentlemanly behavior. He believed a gentleman should know Greek and Latin.
c) He is a famed goldsmith, silversmith, and an important writer who is an unabashed egotist and who wrote the Autobiography, which frankly says about his sexual exploits.
d) He is a Renaissance scholar who applied the methods of linguistic and historical analysis to disprove the existence of the Donation of Constantine.
Let parents sign the 1/4 sheet of paper with your grade.
YMSAT Game Video
YMSAT Poster
Yes, this is the one we discussed in class. It's due on Friday. Supposedly.
Pero latest deadline is Monday, before 7:30 am.
Kasi we will put up our posters.
It's YMSAT week next next week na.
The deadline was supposed to be Friday but then to give you more time for printing, it was extended on Monday, Jan. 24, 7:30 am. It must be posted up already by this time.
@YMSAT Preparations
May classes ata.
++ BaCon ppt to be posted later.