31 July 2010


Plant transport guide questions (for Perio)
  • Differentiate between phloem and xylem in terms of structure and function.
  • How are water and dissolved minerals transported into the roots? What role does the Casparian strip play in the transport of materials into the root xylem?
  • Describe the root pressure transpiration-cohesion-tension mechanism by defining the associated terms and explaining how they work together in allowing water to rise in the plant.
  • Describe the bulk or pressure flow mechanism by defining the associated terms and explaining it works to transport phloem sap from sources to sinks.

The Bio Periodic Exam will be on Tuesday, right after the Math Perio. Please submit your notebooks immediately after the test. A tray will be placed in your rooms for this purpose and will be collected promptly.

Make sure that your notebooks have the course outline as well as your answers to the end of quarter reflections.

These are the questions for the EOQR:

  1. What was your favorite topic this quarter? Why?
  2. Which misconceptions did you have that were corrected by discussions or activities?
  3. What other questions/clarifications do you have on the topics discussed?
  4. Which concepts were you able to appreciate/apply?
  5. Cite an interesting recent discovery about one of the topics discussed and tell me what makes it interesting to you (include your reference).

#5 is new so don't forget about it! :>

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