13 July 2010

For July 15, Thursday

1. No Classes today, if you still don't know. =))
All the requirements are due on the next meeting of every subject. 8D

2. SocSci
LT Part 1 is tomorrow!
Coverage is everything we discussed so far.
If you get 45 and above, you are exempted from taking Part 2!
If you get 44, you must answer 1 question to be exempted.
If you get 43, you must answer 2 questions to be exempted.
If you get 42, you must answer 3 questions to be exempted.
If you get 41, you must answer 4 questions to be exempted.
If you get 40, you must answer 5 questions to be exempted.

3. STR
Quiz on APA Style of Writing

4. English
Group Work: On a whole sheet of paper, write the descriptions with matching proof for each of the 3 major characters of Dead Stars: Alfredo, Esperanza and Julia.

5. Comp Sci
Try figuring out rin the problem given sa CompSci about the class Player.
name [arrow] string
hand [arrow] array of cards (13 max)

draw (Deck d)
- draws from deck D

void revealHand
- prints all cards in hand

int handSize
- returns size of hand

-returns the 1st card in hand then removes it

If you can do this properly, then you'll survive the practical test on Friday! :D

6. Please also take note that the Bio Mythbusters Project Proposal is due on Friday. It's a major reqt, okay!

7. Bleep Test sa PE tomorrow! :-S

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