It is the custom among many historians to distinguish between historic and prehistoric periods in the evolution of human society.
By the former we mean to say history is based on written records. By the latter, we mean to say it's the record of man's achievements before the invention of writing.
*This distinction is not altogether satisfactory because it suggests that human accomplishments before they were recorded in characters or symbols representing words or concepts (pre-historic) were not important.
However, nothing could be farther from the truth.
---> The foundations of many of the great accomplishments of modern technology and even of social and political systems were laid before human beings could write.
Hence, whole period of man's life on earth should be regarded as historic, and that the era before the invention of writing be designated by some term such as "preliterate".
The records of preliterate societies are NOT books, manuscripts, but tools, weapons, fossils, utensils, carvings, paintings, and fragments of jewelry and ornamentation.
*artifacts= are often just as valuable as the written words in providing knowledge of a people's deeds and modes of living.
HUMAN HISTORY divided into two: Age of Stone and Age of Metals
Age of Stone- it is identical with the Preliterate Age or the period before the invention of writing.
- Paleolithic/Neolithic = each takes its name from the type of stone tools and weapons characteristically manufactured during the period.
- Paleolithic= implements were commonly made by chipping pieces off a large stone or flint and using the core that remained as a hand ax or fist hatchet.
- Neolithic= witnessed the supplanting of chipped stone tools by implements made by grinding and polishing stone.
Age of Metals- coincide with the period of history based on written records.
*Preliterate Age- covered at least 95 percent of man's existence and did not come to an end until about 5000 BC
*Age of Metals- practically coincides with the history of civilized nations.
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