17 November 2010

For Nov. 18, Thurs

- HW1: Write something about the Fall of the Republic
- HW2: Write something about Julius Caesar and the Rise of the Roman Empire
- THQ:
Write your answers on your notebook. This will be checked next week.
1. Who are these Celtic people from the Po River Valley who sacked Rome in 390 BC?
2. Other than the Romans themselves, who achieved full Roman citizenship?
3. In the first of the Punic Wars, what was the prized territory acquired by the Roman Republic?
4. Who was that 29-year old Carthaginian general who wanted to avenge Carthage's defeat in the First Punic War?
5. Who was that daring Roman military leader who battled against Hannibal's forces?
True or False (2 points each)
6. By 265 BC, the Romans hadn't captured/conquered the Po River Valley which was North of the Appenines.
7. The farthest territories from Rome became allies of the Republic.
8. Roman allies were allowed to trade with Rome and make friendship treaties with other states.
9. Carthage was located on a peninsula on the African coast.
10. The First Punic War, the war between Carthage and Rome, lasted for 32 years.
11. In the Second Punic War, the Carthaginians, led by Hannibal, were able to defeat the Roman forces.
12. The Third Punic War was rooted from the devastation left by Carthage in Rome.
13. The decline of the Roman Republic could be attributed to the trade crisis with the African states.
14. Tiberius Gracchus was a tribune who called for taking public lands and distributing them among the landless farmers.
15. One of the important events that led to the fall of the Republic was the Patrician opposition to Plebeian reformists.

9:10-10:00 at the Seminar Room with Sodium!

Reading assignment: thermochemistry. pp. 152-187. Recit tomorrow!

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