12 January 2011

For Jan. 13, Thursday

Memorize the map of Italy
Homework (copied from Sodium)
1) Who were the men of the Tuscan Triumvirate? Why were they called as such?
2) Identify the following Italian Rennaisance writers:
a) He rejected the tradition of Christian view that the state is subject to divine law-- believing that the state existed for its own sake.
b) He is a humanist and papal diplomat whose book presented the rules of gentlemanly behavior. He believed a gentleman should know Greek and Latin.
c) He is a famed goldsmith, silversmith, and an important writer who is an unabashed egotist and who wrote the Autobiography, which frankly says about his sexual exploits.
d) He is a Renaissance scholar who applied the methods of linguistic and historical analysis to disprove the existence of the Donation of Constantine(?).

Vocab: Define and use in a sentence
1. bonsai
2. gaudy
3. roto
4. sublimation
5. paradox ++ give 3 examples

Labrep format will be posted next time.
It's due on Monday
Labreps will be returned on Friday

On Friday, 1st UB, we'll have our Math Intersection. The test will have 25 items. It's considered as a quiz. However, it's gonna be over 15 only.
During 2nd UB, we'll have our Batch Congress. If you are not there by 12:05 (latest), you'll get a score of 0 for the quiz, which is the one we will have during the 1st UB.

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