26 January 2011

For Jan. 27, Thurs

Film Showing for those who haven't watched.

Intersection tomorrow.
Reps are Isaiah, JJ, Ryan

ATOM Family Intersection Chem Quiz
Easy: 4, 5, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 29, 30
Average: 1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 18, 23, 28
Difficult: 3, 6, 8, 10, 16, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26

Water Rockets tomorrow.
Don't forget, the two stations are longest time and longest range. The higher score you get among the stations will be your score for the activity.
Just presenting a finished rocket will earn you a passing grade of 18 over 30.

Setting up of exhibits (?). May visiting schools pa rin e.

JR, CJ, Isaiah, Rajah, Dave, Carl, Eunice, Regine:
Please get your letter from Red

You must meet with your TOR Mentor. Required output due 3rd meeting next week.

Critique of an STR2 Project
Juniors, please visit the GYM, anytime this week to know which project are you assigned for the critique as well as get to know who will be your mentors. You may refer to the posted list of STR2 projects tacked at the bulletin board.

A. Analysis of the Research Project
1. What is the real life problem being addressed by the project? State your assessment of the plausibility of the real life problem being presented by the researchers.
2. What was the major objective of the researchers? Did it address the RLP?
3. What are minor objectives of the study? Do they contribute to the accomplishment of the major objective? What significance do they play in strengthening the conclusions towards the end of the project execution?
4. Research Design
a. What are the control and experimental setups done in the study? Are they sufficient for coming up with reliable data for the project?
b. What are the independent, dependent and extraneous variables? Are they correctly identified in the research methodology? What other variables, if any, should have been included in the conduct of the research?
c. How was the data gathering procedure done? Are enough quantitative information generated? Were the procedures used for data gathering reliable? What improvements, if any, could be done in the procedure?
5. Are the conclusions made by the researchers reflective of the information generated in the research process? How well did it address the real life problem presented?

B. Presentation of the Project
1. Are the information in the poster enough to be able to understand the project without consulting with the researchers? Identify the good points and the bad points of the poster in terms of content, and suggest ways to improve the contents.
2. Are the ocntents of the poster readable? Identify the good and bad points in terms of visual effects of the poster, and suggest ways to improve the poster.
3. Were the researchers accommodating in answering questions? Did they answer the questions poased satisfactorily?

Deadline: last meeting of the week following

YMSAT week

Title of Project being critiqued
Group Code

Researchers' Names


The critique should be in essay form, using the above as guide questions for the content. Divide the discussions into two major parts (A and B, as stated above). The discussion within each section is free style.

Submission may be handwritten or computerized, but should be 1.5 spaced, 1" margin at all sides and on bond paper of size 8.5x11". A maximum of three (3) pages is allowed.

The Third Order Research (TOR) Mentoring Program was designed to enable the Juniors to link up with the seniors and share their experiences and knowledge gained from their respective STR classes.

The Juniors will experience giving a poster presentation to the seniods, while the seniors will have to analyze and evaluate the presentation, as well as the project. Together, the TOR Mentors and the TOR Mentees would examine the project proposal presented, and assess how the basic principles of research design are applied. Suggestions should be made by the Mentors, and shared with the Mentees.

The Seniors should explain their project to the Juniors, and share their experiences to the Juniors as well.

--Requirements here are for the seniors only.

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